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Hi friend, I'm Franccesca! Lover of all things foodie, staycations and lifestyle in sunny South Flo! I've been blogging since 2020 and share weekly content that you're going to be obsessed with! Let's stay connected by joining the email community!


Quiet Time

April 20, 2020

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For me, the past month in "quarantine" I have been digging deeper with Jesus. Now, before you start thinking I'm all holy and what not, I'm going to be real with you and hopefully you can relate. About a week or two ago, one of my close and dear friends Gaby was texting me and she shared with me her morning routine. Which looked like her waking up 30 mins earlier than she normally would to have her Quiet Time.

She explained to me that this was her time she dedicated to spending time with Jesus, at the time I was currently guilty of not committing time to spend with the Lord. I definitely don't think I'm alone in this area. At the end, comment below if you resonate with me!

I've been a Christian for most of my life but sadly it's been years since I have planned time to set aside all my distractions to hear from God and truly be in His presence.

Hearing from my friend and seeing the fruit displayed in her life, I decided I needed to frankly stop making excuses so I didn't miss out on everything God has for me! Can I get an amen?!


I decided to start with Romans and would listen to some worship music from my Spotify playlist while I talked and prayed to God. Let me know in the comments below if you would like me to share my playlist.

Was it easy?! Not at all, first I am not a morning person and I already have to wake up at 6am which now meant I had to wake up at 530am. If I’m being honest, there were some days when I didn’t have the energy or feel like doing it.

Each day I would have to stop myself from going on Instagram and scrolling timelessly. When I tell you that this new season has been so rewarding and I can't believe I haven't heard from Jesus directly in such a long time. But seriously woah!

My friend kept me accountable for the first week and texted me in the morning to wake up, little by little I would wake up and read a few verses or a chapter from the Bible. This is the Bible I use. Some days, I had to learn to give myself some g r a c e if I couldn't wake up on time and if I could, I would spend time with the Lord at night.

Everyone's schedule is different BUT I'm talking mainly to the girl who is ready to take her relationship with God into a more intimate season. You should make Jesus a priority and finding that time throughout the day is super important.

Quiet Time - What My Time With Jesus Looks Like | www.southflowithfran.com

Little did I know, that a simple text conversation would start a shift in my intimacy and relationship with God that would be the foundation for a difficult season I would be entering into.

Friend, it definitely takes being obedient and believing He will show up! Even in such a hard season since I was furloughed from my job, the one thing that was not shaken was my faith. It's crazy to believe I actually became on fire for the Lord which I will discuss more about.

I decided to start with Romans and would listen to some worship music from my Spotify playlist while I talked and prayed to God. Let me know in the comments below if you would like me to share my playlist. Was it easy?! Not at all, first I am not a morning person and I already have to wake up at 6am which now meant I had to wake up at 530am.

If I’m being honest, there were some days when I didn’t have the energy or feel like doing it. Each day I would have to stop myself from going on Instagram and scrolling timelessly. When I tell you that this new season has been so rewarding and I can't believe I haven't heard from Jesus directly in such a long time.

But seriously woah! Little did I know, that a simple text conversation would start a shift in my intimacy and relationship with God that would be the foundation for a difficult season I would be entering into.

Friend, it definitely takes being obedient and believing He will show up! Even in such a hard season since I was furloughed from my job, the one thing that was not shaken was my faith. It's crazy to believe I actually became on fire for the Lord which I will discuss more about.


I can't forget to mention how my Quiet Time also impacted my prayer life--- sometimes I would find myself praying for 20-30 mins straight. I began to look forward to praying and even opened up on Instagram to pray for friends. I would journal my prayers and praises. I really loved doing this and seeing how God used me through that platform!

Not going to lie, I miss quarantine sometimes because of how much time I was able to spend with Jesus with little to do and distractions LOL!

Some tools and resources I used in my bible were the post-it-page markers to label some of my favorite Bible verses. This led to most of the book of Romans to have tons of post its LOL--- what can I say I really enjoyed it! Also, the gel highlighters from The Daily Grace Co are my favorite. They do not bleed through and easy to highlight bible verses. Shop here (I receive a small commission if you use my link).

Quiet Time - What My Time With Jesus Looks Like | www.southflowithfran.com

Towards the end of March, I connected with my now friend and faithful leader Kahlea, who shared on Instagram she would be starting a weekly Zoom bible study. Isn't it funny how God works or what? I started following Kahlea on Instagram a few weeks prior to the COVID pandemic. She created a space and community of women of God who were so open and authentic about their relationships with God. I've never joined an online community group or a virtual bible study.

To be honest, it was so refreshing to be around women who were so real and authentic. I learned so much from these women and allowed me to grow, evaluate my relationship with God like I've never experienced before. I received so much wisdom and biblical knowledge that fueled my faith at the time I needed it most.

Each Sunday, we would constantly show up and decide to put aside our doubts, fears and focus our trust in Jesus. My heart and soul was definitely not ready for the way Kahlea would preach and how God would speak through her! I still can't believe she is younger than me?!

Just to show you, God can use anyone if you are willing and He can even use YOU. I hope you're encouraged through this post and hear my heart through this blog post. Love you friend, chat with you soon!

Please share and comment on what resonated with you. Do you need accountability or someone to pray with? I would love to hear from you!

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Hi friend, I'm Franccesca!
Lover of all things foodie, staycations and lifestyle in sunny South Flo! I've been blogging since 2020 and share weekly content that you're going to be obsessed with! Let's stay connected by joining the email community!

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